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Address: Via per Sant'Alessio n 3684, 55100 Lucca. 

Mobile +39 338 671 8641


Italian Vegan class 
€ 95 per person
many appetizers pasta and main courses from the mediterranaean cuisine, some new ideas and how to make you own Seitan! No dairy and no animal protein
To make a reservation email:

“The Italian Vegan Class”


Antipasti Appetizers

Bruschetta ai funghetti crudi

Toasted bread with raw mushrooms


Bruschetta ai fagioli

Toasted bread with beans topping


Crostini alle Melanzane

Toasted bread with eggplant topping 


Carpaccio di verdure, con salsa alla rucola e yogurt

Vegetable carpaccio with a rucola and yogurt sauce.


Primi First Courses

Pappardelle ai porcini

Pasta with porcini mushrooms

Ragù vegetariano

Mixed vegetable sauce for pasta


Secondi Main Dishes

Tofu all'aceto balsamico ed uva

Tofu  with grapes red wine, balsamic vinegar and truffles


Tofu con salsa di lattuga

 Tofu in lettuce sauce


How to make seitan from scratch


Seitan ai funghi e marsala

Seitan with porcini


Seitan alla pizzaiola

Seitan with tomato sauce, olives, capers, origano and hot chilli


Dolci  Desserts

Frutta caramellata

Caramelized sautéed fruit with maraschino liqueur

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